Algoritma Brute Force Pada Game

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Pada kebanyakan kasus, algoritma greedy tidak akan menghasilkan solusi paling optimal, begitupun algoritma greedy biasanya memberikan solusi yang mendekati nilai optimum dalam waktu yang cukup cepat. Sebagai contoh dari penyelesaian masalah dengan algoritma greedy, mari kita lihat sebuah masalah klasik yang sering dijumpai dalam kehidupan. Pemecahan dengan Algoritma Greedy dan Brute Force pada pendekatan optimasi permainan tetris tentu akan memakan sumber daya cukup banyak dan tidak mangkus, karena setiap kombinasi tumpukan harus diperiksa. Ditambah lagi untuk setiap balok tetris bisa mempunyai empat bentuk yang berbeda. Maka besar kombinasi seluruhnya akan dikalikan lagi dengan 4.

Pattern searching is an important problem in computer science. When we do search for a string in notepad/word file or browser or database, pattern searching algorithms are used to show the search results. A typical problem statement would be-Given a text txt0.n-1 and a pattern pat0.m-1, write a function search(char pat, char txt) that prints all occurrences of pat in txt. You may assume that n m.Examples:Input: txt = 'THIS IS A TEST TEXT'pat = 'TEST'Output: Pattern found at index 10Input: txt = 'AABAACAADAABAABA'pat = 'AABA'Output: Pattern found at index 0Pattern found at index 9Pattern found at index 12In this post, we will discuss Boyer Moore pattern searching algorithm. Like and algorithms, Boyer Moore algorithm also preprocesses the pattern.Boyer Moore is a combination of following two approaches.1) Bad Character Heuristic2) Good Suffix Heuristic.

Both of the above heuristics can also be used independently to search a pattern in a text. Let us first understand how two independent approaches work together in the Boyer Moore algorithm.

If we take a look at the, it slides the pattern over the text one by one. Does preprocessing over the pattern so that the pattern can be shifted by more than one. The Boyer Moore algorithm does preprocessing for the same reason. It processes the pattern and creates different arrays for both heuristics. At every step, it slides the pattern by the max of the slides suggested by the two heuristics. So it uses best of the two heuristics at every step.Unlike the previous pattern searching algorithms, Boyer Moore algorithm starts matching from the last character of the pattern.In this post, we will discuss bad character heuristic, and discuss Good Suffix heuristic in the next post.Bad Character HeuristicThe idea of bad character heuristic is simple.

The character of the text which doesn’t match with the current character of the pattern is called the Bad Character. Upon mismatch, we shift the pattern until –1) The mismatch becomes a match2) Pattern P move past the mismatched character.Case 1 – Mismatch become matchWe will lookup the position of last occurrence of mismatching character in pattern and if mismatching character exist in pattern then we’ll shift the pattern such that it get aligned to the mismatching character in text T. Case 1Explanation: In the above example, we got a mismatch at position 3. Here our mismatching character is “A”.

Now we will search for last occurrence of “A” in pattern. We got “A” at position 1 in pattern (displayed in Blue) and this is the last occurrence of it. Now we will shift pattern 2 times so that “A” in pattern get aligned with “A” in text.Case 2 – Pattern move past the mismatch characterWe’ll lookup the position of last occurrence of mismatching character in pattern and if character does not exist we will shift pattern past the mismatching character. Case2Explanation: Here we have a mismatch at position 7. The mismatching character “C” does not exist in pattern before position 7 so we’ll shift pattern past to the position 7 and eventually in above example we have got a perfect match of pattern (displayed in Green). We are doing this because, “C” do not exist in pattern so at every shift before position 7 we will get mismatch and our search will be fruitless.In the following implementation, we preprocess the pattern and store the last occurrence of every possible character in an array of size equal to alphabet size. If the character is not present at all, then it may result in a shift by m (length of pattern).

Therefore, the bad character heuristic takes time in the best case.

AbstractSudoku games is the most popular Numeric Puzzle Games in the world. This game requires you to fill in the numbers on a blank column matrix with certain regulations.

This study will discuss how to solve Sudoku primarily to take advantage of the Brute Force Algorithm and Backtracking by trying all possible contents of the box element of the matrix. This testing process using black box method, where the program uses four levels of Sudoku puzzle consists of three levels of difficulty beginner level, intermediate level, advanced level, expert level, master level.

Sudoku generally consists of a table with the number of boxes 9 x 9, which made the area (region) 3 x 3. Questions Beginners and Intermediate is used. Examiners performed by using an Intel Pentium III 550MHz processor with a 1.6 GHz Core2 Duo with clock speed 694ms and 320ms for about the first and second largest known differences exist at the level of the processor.