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Full text of 'THE NEWSWEEKLY FOR THE COMPUTER COMMUNITYApril 13,1987 ■ Vol. 15. $2/Copy. $44/ YearCOMPutERWOkINSIDESpotlight — Desktoppublishing beginsto live up to itspromise. Center pull¬out section.In Depth — In six topU.S. Corporations,MIS ranks high onthe corporate ladder.Page 75Newly formed HoneywellBull shows its first product,a follow-on to the DPS 7family.

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Le migliori offerte per NUOVO SoundToys Devil-Loc Deluxe V5 Audio Livello Cacciatorpediniere plug-in Mac PC AAX VST. HDR SOFT Photomatix Pro 6.2 for Mac OS X and Win + FREE UPDATE Lightroom Plugin. Audio Play Room is an Authorized Dealer for all software products we sell. Download Emailed Globally. SoundToys Devil-Loc Deluxe Specifications: Current Version: 5.2.0; Plug-in Formats (both 32 and 64-bit). AAX Native; AAX AudioSuite.

Page 13.Feeling the heat fromIBM’s 9370, Canaan Com¬puter lays off half its workforce and pulls back fromend-user sales of its depart¬mental VM systems. Page8.AFIPS considers contract¬ing out the task of managingfuture National ComputerConference shows. Page 2.IBM has fine-tuned itsCSA maintenance plan todownplay MIS objections.Page 6.Fortune Systems placesits users and products in thehands of SCI Systems, a$500 million Alabama com¬pany. Page 93.American Express enrollsan expert system to cutdown on charge cardlosses. Page 25.Harvard Business Schoolrequires first-year MBA stu¬dents to study informationsystems. Page 85.Buyers clamor forfuller PS/2 pictureBY PATRICIA KEEFECW STAFFFlush with excitement aboutIBM’s new Personal System/2family and Operating System/2,users are hungry for informationabout the IBM cornucopia ofproducts unleashed two weeksago.Amidst much fanfare on April2, IBM introduced its new gen¬eration of personal computers— four machines based on IntelCorp. 8086, 80286 and 80386processors.

Also unveiled werethe OS/2 protected-mode oper¬ating system and a host of com¬munications products, includingenhancements to the Token-Ring network and the PC Net¬work.Several corporate users saidthey have already decided toswitch over to the new IBM per¬sonal computer line. AmericanLotus suedforVisicalcinfringementBY DOUGLAS BARNEYCW STAFFCAMBRIDGE, Mass. — LotusDevelopment Corp.’s effort togain copyright protection for the“look and feel” of software tookan unexpected turn last weekwhen the company and itsfounder, Mitchell D.

Kapor,were charged in a lawsuit withinfringing on the copyright of Vi-sicalc and misappropriatingtrade secrets.In what is perhaps the oddesttwist yet in a messy series of re¬cent copyright lawsuits, Lotuswas sued by SAPC, Inc., a firmmade up of ex-Software Arts,Continuedon page8The microprocessormarket shiftsU.S. Shipments of 16-bit and32-bit PCs will overtake8088 / 8086 processorsTHOUSANDS OF UNITS001000■ - 680008088/86INFORMATION PROVIDED BYINTERNATIONAL DATA CORP.CW CHARTAirlines, Inc. Revealed last weekthat it has already placed an or¬der for 8,000 Personal Sys-tem/2s. Others said they wouldcommit 100% of next year’s mi¬crocomputer budget to purchas¬ing those machines. And manyMIS buyers are cutting or scal¬ing back their plans to purchaseContinuedon page4DB2 update readiedBut referential integrity, dictionary lackingBY CHARLES BABCOCKCW STAFFIBM is planning to announce anew release of DB2 in late Mayor early June that is said to con¬tain several functional improve¬ments, including enhancementsof its Query Management Facili¬ty and small performance im¬provements.However, referential integri¬ty, one of the most sought-afterfeatures, will not be included inthe announcement, industrysources said. In addition, while adata dictionary is widely antici¬pated, its appearance with thenext release is considered doubt¬ful.

SoundToys has updated its plug-ins with 64-bit VST support for Mac OS X and native AAX for Windows.We’re excited to announce that version 4.4 of our award-winning effects plug-ins is here, adding 64-bit VST support for Mac and native AAX support for Windows. All of our most popular plug-ins are now compatibie with all supported 64-bit platforms, including Pro Tools 11, Ableton Live, and Cubase/Nuendo on both Mac and Windows, and Logic X on the Mac.Glorious 64-bit versions of EchoBoy, Decapitator, Crystallizer, FilterFreak, Tremolator, PhaseMistress, PanMan, MicroShift, Radiator, and Devil-Loc are here, and ready to spice up your mix.Existing V4 users can update for free from their SoundToys account.More information.
