Download Imdb Database Dump File

With impdp, the file and the database directory pointer need to point to a directory path and a file accessible by the database server. This is usually on the database server itself, simplest way. What is the filename? Where does the file exist? Which tool, expdp or exp, was used to create the exported data dump file?

OverviewThe first homework is to construct a set of SQL queries for analysing a dataset that will be provided to you. For this, you will look into. This homework is an opportunity to: (1) learn basic and certain advanced SQL features, and (2) get familiar with using a full-featured DBMS, that can be useful for you in the future.This is a single-person project that will be completed individually (i.e., no groups).

Release Date: Sep 01, 2019. Due Date: Sep 11, 2019 @ 11:59pmSpecificationThe homework contains 10 questions in total and is graded out of 100 points. For each question, you will need to construct a SQL query that fetches the desired data from the SQLite DBMS.

It will likely take you approximately 6-8 hours to complete the questions. Placeholder FolderCreate the placeholder submission folder with the empty SQL files that you will use for each question:$ mkdir placeholder$ cd placeholder$ touch q1sample.sql q2uncommontype.sql q3tvvsmovie.sql q4oldisnotgold.sql q5percentage.sql q6dubbedsmash.sql q7imdb250.sql q8numberofactors.sql q9movienames.sql q10genrecounts.sqlAfter filling in the queries, you can compress the folder by running the following command:$ zip -j placeholder/.sqlThe -j flag lets you compress all the SQL queries in the zip file without path information. The grading scripts will not work correctly unless you do this. Instructions Setting Up SQLiteYou will first need to install SQLite on your development machine. Install SQLite3 on Ubuntu LinuxInstall the sqlite3 and libsqlite3-dev packages by running the following command;$ sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-devInstall SQLite3 on Mac OS XOn Mac OS Leopard or later, you don't have to! It comes pre-installed. You can upgrade it, if you absolutely need to, with.

Load the Database Dump.Check if sqlite3 is properly working by.Download the:$ wgetCheck its MD5 checksum to ensure that you have correctly downloaded the file:$ md5 imdb-cmudb2019.db.gzMD5 (imdb-cmudb2019.db.gz) = 6443351d4b55eb3c881622bd60a8dc5b. Unzip the database from the provided database dump by running the following commands on your shell.

Rapidapi imdb

Note that the database file be 900MB after you decompress it.$ gunzip imdb-cmudb2019.db.gz$ sqlite3 imdb-cmudb2019.dbWe have prepared a random sample of the original dataset for this assignment. Although this is not required to complete the assignment, the complete dataset is available by following the steps. Check the contents of the database by running the.tables command on the sqlite3 terminal. Q1 0 points (q1sample): The purpose of this query is to make surethat the formatting of your output matches exactly the formatting of our auto-grading script.Details: List all distinct types of titles ordered by type.Answer: Here's the correct SQL query and expected output:sqlite select distinct(type) from titles order by type;movieshorttvEpisodetvMiniSeriestvMovietvSeriestvShorttvSpecialvideovideoGameYou should put this SQL query into the appropriate file ( q1sample.sql) in the submission directory ( placeholder). Q4 10 points (q4oldisnotgold):Which decades saw the most number of titles getting premiered? List the number of titles in every decade. Like 2010s 2789741.Details: Print all decades and the number of titles.

Print the relevant decade in a fancier format by constructing a string that looks like this: 2010s. Sort the decades in decreasing order with respect to the number of titles. Remember to exclude titles which have not been premiered (i.e. Where premiered is NULL)PS: Add this to your watchlist. Q7 15 points (q7imdb250):List the IMDB Top 250 movies along with its weighted rating.Details: The weighted rating of a movie is calculated according to the following formula:Weighted rating (WR) = (v/(v+m)). R + (m/(v+m)).

C. R = average rating for the movie (mean), i.e. Ratings.rating. v = number of votes for the movie, i.e. Ratings.votes. m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 250 (current 25000). C = weighted average rating of all moviesPrint the movie name along with its weighted rating.

For example: The Shawshank Redemption 9.3064. Q10 15 points (q10genrecounts):List all distinct genres and the number of titles associated with them.Details: The titles table contains the titles with their genres. Each title is associated with zero or more genres stored in the genres column as comma-separated values (like 'Documentary,Short'). Count the number of titles associated with each genre, and list the genres and the counts, and order it according to the counts (greatest to least). Don't forget to filter empty genres (where genres is blank).Hint: You might find useful.Grading RubricEach submission will be graded based on whether the SQL queries fetch the expected sets of tuples from the database. Note that your SQL queries will be auto-graded by comparing their outputs (i.e. Tuple sets) to the correct outputs.

For your queries, the order of the output columns is important; their names are not. Late PolicySee the in the syllabus. Amiga workbench 3.1 rom. SubmissionYou can submit on Gradescope now, but we are currently setting up the autograder. We will post on Piazza when the autograder is up.We use the Autograder from Gradescope for grading in order to provide you with immediate feedback. After completing the homework, you can submit your compressed folder (only one file) to Gradescope:.Important: Use the Gradescope course code announced on Piazza.We will be comparing the output files using a function similar to diff. You can submit your answers as many times as you like. Collaboration Policy.

Every student has to work individually on this assignment. Students are allowed to discuss high-level details about the project with others. Students are not allowed to copy the contents of a white-board after a group meeting with other students. Students are not allowed to copy the solutions from another colleague.WARNING: All of the code for this project must be your own.

You may not copy source code from other students or other sources that you find on the web. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. See CMU's for additional information. Prelight free version download for mac.