Jbl Eon 510 Service Manual
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for JBL EON 510. JBL EON 510 Self-Powered Two-Way 10-inch 280-Watt Ultra-Light Weight Speaker. I called the company about the lack of a manual, and they didn't even know. I'm glad I have one, customer service, handle, and buzz/hum/hiss notwithstanding. JBL EON 510 Powered PA Speaker are powerful and lightweight enclosures that set the standard for powered PA speakers. The Next Generation of JBL's EON speaker, the EON 510 is a self-powered, composite enclosure that is both light weight and durable.
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An item that has been restored to working order by the eBay seller or a third party not approved by the manufacturer. This means the item has been inspected, cleaned, and repaired to full working order and is in excellent condition.
This item may or may not be in original packaging. See the seller’s listing for full details.Seller Notes:“ Repair service only!
You are not buying an amplifier! You must send us your broken amp for fast repair! ”Model:EON 515XTBrand:JBLMPN:Does Not ApplyUPC:Does not apply.