Python Call Phone Number

Many companies have vanity numbers these days. Instead of giving out the actual number, they give you a word phone number that spell a word like 800-call-today. It is annoying and time consuming to find these letters on the phone keypad and then convert it numbers. Stop looking for those letters on the telephone keypad and use our phone letters. Now we can write and execute Python code to dial phone numbers. Our Python Script. Create a new file named and copy or type.

This quick start describes how to use TeleSign SDKs to cleanse a phone number using PhoneID. Phone number cleansing corrects common formatting issues in submitted phone numbers. After phone number cleansing, PhoneID takes the cleansed number and returns details about it such as phone type, location, and carrier information in a JSON response. You can use this information to make choices about what to do with the phone number.This quick start includes the following sections:.RequirementsFor this quick start, the following is required:.

customer ID - Obtain this for your account by logging in to. API key - Obtain this for your account by logging in to. SDK - Download the SDK from TeleSign’s GitHub repository for your selected language:. Language Version.

Node.js - 6+. Java - 7+.

Python - 2.7+. Ruby - 2+. PHP - 5.6+. C# - 4.5+. Purchased Phone Number - You must purchase a phone number in TelePortal to use with this API. Cleanse a Number with PhoneIDThis section explains how to cleanse a number with PhoneID. The sample code provided earlier is broken out into pieces and explained below.In this code sample, you provide your customer ID and API key to authenticate yourself with TeleSign.

You insert a phone number to cleanse. For the purpose of the example, you can insert your phone number with proper formatting, and this sample code will make the phone number incorrect by adding an extra digit. You create a PhoneIdClient object and use the phoneid method to cleanse the incorrect phone number. To see what it looks like cleansed, you then use a print statement that shows you the cleansed phone number and what the original phone number was. Begin by adding statements for including the appropriate part of the TeleSign SDK and any additional language specific functions you may need. Insert values for each of the items from customerid through to phonenumber.

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customerid/customerId - Your TeleSign assigned customer ID, available in your account information in the portal. apikey/apiKey - Your TeleSign assigned API key, available in your account information in the portal. phonenumber / phoneNumber - The phone number purchased from TeleSign in TelePortal that you want to use. When you provide the number, it should be a string with no spaces or special characters.

Include the complete number; for example, for a US phone number, you would include the country code and the area code with the number, like this: 2. Const customerId = 'FFFFFFFF-EEEE-DDDD-1234-AB'; // Todo: find in portal.telesign.comconst apiKey = 'EXAMPLE-TE8sTgg45yusumoN6BYsBVkh+yRJ5czgsnCehZaOYldPJdmFh6NeX8kunZ2zU1YWaUw/0wV6xfw'; // Todo: find in portal.telesign.comconst restendpoint = '; // Todo: Enterprise customer, change this!const timeout = 10. 1000; // 10 secsconst client = new TeleSignSDK( customerId,apiKey,restendpoint,timeout // optional// userAgent);const phoneNumber = 'Your test phone number with no special characters or spaces.'

10 min build time

It's time to make your first voice call using the MessageBird VoiceAPI! Before weget started, have you set up your Python development environment with the MessageBird Python client?

  • No - make sure you read this MessageBird Developer Guide before getting started.
  • Yes! - Great! Now you can make your first API request and make a voice call with MessageBird using Python.

Getting started

First, let's create a new Python project directory. In this directory, create a file and open it in your text editor of choice. Start by importing the MessageBird Python library and creating an instance of the MessageBird client:

Note that you can create either a test or live API key:

  • test API keys simulate responses from the MessageBird server, allowing you to test your code flow and error handling before sending real messages. (You still must have an internet connection to use MessageBird REST API features.)
  • live API keys allow you to send actual messages to your recipients. We recommend that you do not publish this key anywhere.

In order to start using the SDK, replace your-api-key with your APIkey.

Pro-tip: Here, we're hardcoding your API key in your program to keep the guides straightforward. But for production applications, we recommended storingthe key in a configuration file or environment variable instead and passing the variable to your application. You'll see this inpractice later in our MessageBird Developer Guides for commonuse cases.

Making a voice call

Now we can attempt create a voice call with a message as follows:

Here, we're calling voice_message_create() with these parameters:

  • The first parameter is the recipients phone number, including the country code.
  • The second parameter is the message that the recipient will hear on the call.
  • The third parameter is a Python dictionary containing optional attributes that you can specify for this phone call. Here, we're setting one of the optional attributes, the gender of the voice in the call, to 'male'. You can find more information about other optional attributes in the Voice Calling API Reference.

If the call succeeds, the application will print details about the call to the console.

We've used an example phone number for the recipient's phone number. For your application to work, you should replace this number with a working number.

If the attempt to create a voice call fails, we print the errors to the console with the following clause:

Finishing your program

Once you've done all that, you have a fully functioning Python program that makes a call to your set destination phone number when run.

To test your application, run in the terminal:

If everything worked, you should see the API response logged in the terminal, signalling that you've successfully made a call.

If you used a live API key and had verified your number or added credits to your account,your phone will ring shortly and deliver the message when you pick up the phone.Congratulations, you just initiated your first voice call with MessageBird!

If you see an error from the script, try to read and understand themessage and fix the problem. Arduino serial port to excel.

Next steps

Let's head over to the next MessageBird Developer Guide learn howto set up and handle incoming voicecalls.

Want to start building your solution but not quite sure how to getstarted? Please feel free to let us know at,we'd love to help!