Import Vector Image On A. Design For Mac

Affinity Designer is the best all-round alternative to Adobe Illustrator. Either, as Affinity Designer can import and export AI and PSD files. Sketch is the best Illustrator alternative for UI design, although it is Mac-only (Image.

Adobe Illustrator used to be the gold standard for graphic design for years, but due to an increasingly expensive subscription model, many users are moving away from it. Here's our list of our favorite vector-based design software.

It's no surprise that many people have been migrating away from Adobe products over the last several years. Adobe has moved to a subscription model that averages $56-$80 a month if a user needs to use more than one Adobe product at a time, something likely untenable for the average hobbyist. With a flood of pay once, use forever software hitting the market, users have no short supply of programs to choose from, especially when looking to replace Illustrator.

Affinity Designer (iOS - $20, currently on sale for $16, macOS - $50, currently on sale for $40)

Affinity Designer is far and away the most polished and feature-packed app on this list, especially considering you can get it as a mobile app as well. Sure, the desktop Mac and PC apps are good, but the iPad app is an extremely powerful program that gives users the chance to design on the go.

Designer functions almost exactly like Illustrator, making it the best one-to-one swap on our list. Our only major critique of Affinity Designer is that, as of the current version, there is still no feature that is analogous to Illustrator's image trace, which we find to be one of the most useful features of the program.

If you are familiar with Illustrator, you'll be able to navigate Designer, though you'll have to work through a certain amount of muscle memory that won't transfer over directly. Artists new to vector design may find Affinity a little daunting due to the rather dense UI.

If you are new to vector design programs or if you're working with a decade or two of Adobe muscle memory, you may want to pick up the Affinity Designer workbook. We have a copy and find it to be extremely helpful in teaching the basics of both Designer as well as vector design.

As of June 5th, the desktop version of Affinity Designer has been revamped to work even better with macOS. The iOS version has also seen some performance and UI updates as well.

Graphic is one of the more beginner-friendly vector programs we've run across. Its UI is hands down the easiest to navigate out of our list, and thus our pick for anyone who is new to vector graphic design.

There are also plenty of user guides for Graphic, which help users both understand the program, as well as vector design itself.

Graphic has made extra accommodations for those who are using the program for technical drawings. One step dimensional and arrow-head lines are a breeze, allowing designers to quickly mark up their designs for technical projects.

The iOS version of Graphic is also highly optimized for the Apple Pencil, and users can create dynamic brushes to meet their specific illustration needs. It also supports Smart Keyboard shortcuts, which instantly makes the program feel quite a bit more like a full desktop program.

Graphic also allows users to import and export PSD, PDF, and SVG files, create their own vector-based brushes, and supports unlimited layers.

Amadine falls somewhere between Affinity Designer and Graphic in complexity, and may very well be the best for intermediate users.

The UI is quite a bit more pared down from Affinity Designer or Illustrator. We found it easy to pick up the program without much effort. Amadine has also created a series of tutorials for users new to the program.

Most of the mainstay tools you'll find in Illustrator you'll also find in Amadine, including the ability to put text to paths, layer effects, and stroke pressure sensitivity for those using external graphics tablets. Amadine also allows users to import and export work as JPEG, TIFF, PNG, EPS or PDF file formats.

Amadine does not currently have an iOS app, but says that one is in development.

Inkscape is a free, open-source GNU-based vector program, making it an attractive option for those who are just starting with vector image creation. It is a fairly straightforward take on Illustrator, with most, if not all of the same features available.

Sap mm configuration guide. If you are familiar with Illustrator's UI, Inkscape can be hard to get used to. There are a plethora of Inkscape tutorials available, both at Inkscape's website and the internet at large. We highly suggest new users utilize them.

Fortunately, unlike most other Illustrator dupes, Inkscape does have an image trace feature called 'Trace Bitmap,' which we see as indispensable in a vector program.

If you want it to work with macOS, there is a bit of a caveat. Inkscape will not work out of the box, and must be installed via MacPorts, either as an X11 build or a native Quartz build. The developers of Inkscape highly recommend that any users stick with the X11 build for stability's sake.

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Importing ImageFiles Importing an Image FileImage files can be imported into the drawing; for example,you might import a sketch or a logo graphic. The Vectorworks Design Seriesproducts have an option to create a reference to the original image file,if the original image may change, and you want to keep the imported imageup to date.The following table lists the standard image import formatsthat are supported. Import FormatsMacWindowsBMPXXECWXXGIFXXJPEGXXJPEG2000XXPNGXXPhotoshop(.psd)XSGIXTGAXTIFFXXICNSXICOXXMacPaintXXBitmapXWMPhotoXRegardless of the imported format, images are compressed toeither JPEG or PNG when they are imported into a Vectorworks file.You can also import an image as a resource,to be used as a fill or image-based shader, for example.

Seefor details.To import an image file:.SelectFile  Import Import Image File,and then select the image file to import.Alternatively, click the file to importand drag it into an open Vectorworks file.TheImage Import Options dialog box opens. ParameterDescriptionRaw Image SizeInitially, this displays the filesize of the original image; if image attributes change,displays the new file size, with the original file sizein parentheses. This helps evaluate the effect of imageattribute changes on the file size.Color ModeModifies the color of the image.Changing the color mode reduces the file size, but colorinformation is lost. Available options depend on the selectedCompression Method (PNGchanges the color depth in bits per pixel, while JPEGchanges the color mode without affecting the color depth)and whether the original image includes an alpha channel.Compression MethodSelect either JPEG or PNG, as describedin step 5Resampling MethodWhen resizing an image or changingits color mode, specify the resampling method to use;higher quality resampling provides better results, butincreases the file sizeDimensionsChanges the dimensions of the imageby pixels or by percentage. To maintain the image aspectratio, keep the lock enabled; changes to one dimensionalso change the other. A smaller image decreases filesize, but reduces image quality.Resolution(at import only)Specifies the image resolution atimport. Changing the resolution affects the image dimensions.Preview(after import only)After the image has been importedinto the drawing, click Preview todisplay the effects of image attribute changes in thedrawing.ClickOK to return to the Image Import Optionsdialog box (or to the Object Info palette).

Any image attribute changestake effect.Twocompression methods are available; depending on the graphic, one ofthe methods may be more suitable. The compression method which producesthe smallest file size is selected by default. Select the desiredbalance between compression and detail display.

The resulting filesize for each type of compression is displayed to help with the selection.The compression method selected here overrides the selection madein the Image Attributes dialog box.If the selected option results in a filesize larger than the uncompressed size, the image is imported uncompressed. Compression MethodDescriptionJPEGProvidesa high amount of compression, resulting in the smallest Vectorworksfile size. However, fine detail may be obscured. JPEG compressionis most suitable for photographic images.PNGProvidesa moderate amount of compression, while preserving image detailsImportas Black and WhiteForPNG, select to import as a 1-bit monochrome image (if selected,this overrides any other color mode selected in the ImageAttributes dialog box)ImportAlpha ChannelForPNG and if the source file has an alpha channel, select topreserve the image’s transparency options; on Windows, theGDI+ imaging Vectorworks preference must be enabled.If VectorworksDesign Series products are installed, referencing options display.See for more information. Specify the referenceoptions for the imported image as described in the following table. ParameterDescriptionReferenceReferences the original image file(master file), so that the imported image can be updatedwhen the master file changesAbsolute pathStores the absolute file path ofthe master file. Select this option when the locationof the master file will not change in the future, or ifthe master file is on another volume.Path relative to current documentStores the file path of the masterfile relative to the target Vectorworks file; this optionis available only if the master file is on the same volumeas the target file.

Select this option if the target fileand the master file may be moved to another volume inthe future.Save referenced cache to diskSaves a copy of the referenced imagein the target Vectorworks file; if deselected, the targetfile is smaller, and the image is automatically updatedwhen the target file is openedAutomatically update referenceduring file openUpdates the image from the masterfile each time this file is opened, if the image is outof date.ClickOK to import the image. The Object Infopalette displays the image information.If Vectorworks Landmark is installed,and the image is georeferenced, a message displays that the imagehas been translated.

See for more information.Importedimages are planar objects and may be assigned to 3D planes. They canbe scaled, rotated, and cropped. See for more informationabout cropping.The Trim, Clip, and Shear toolscannot be used on an imported image.Images imported into the file that are notalready in JPEG format can be compressed by JPEG with the CompressImages command. See.If you use the DeleteOutside Crop button from the Object Info palette to modifythe imported image, the reference will be broken.Images with an alpha channel have a transparent backgroundwhen the Attributes palette fill style is None; this helps them blendinto the drawing more easily. To determine if an image has an alpha channel,look at the Format field in Image Informationon the Image Import Options dialog before importing or at the Image fieldon the Object Info palette for a selected image.

If a source file withan alpha channel was imported without the alpha channel, the only wayto restore it is to reimport, with Import Alpha Channelselected.A referenced image file can be opened with the default applicationassociated with this file type. To open a referenced image file, use oneof the following methods:● Ctrl-click (Mac) or right-click (Windows) thereferenced image in the drawing area, and then select Open● Ctrl-click (Mac) or right-click (Windows) thereferenced image file in the Navigation palette, and then select Open● Select the referenced image file in the Navigationpalette, and then select Open from the Navigationmenu.